1000s of seeds from 18 native wildflower species, mixed with local, protective clay and sifted, nurturing top soil. 1 pack provides coverage for roughly 21 sq ft / 2m².
Seeds included: Common Sorrel, Yellow Rattle, Selfheal, Cowslip, Ribwort Plantain, Oxeye Daisy, Rough Hawkbit, Lady's bedstraw, Wild Carrot, Common Knapweed and Yarrow, The Corn Chamomile, The cornflower, The Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Red Campion, White Campion and Salad Burnet.
Seeds included: Common Sorrel, Yellow Rattle, Selfheal, Cowslip, Ribwort Plantain, Oxeye Daisy, Rough Hawkbit, Lady's bedstraw, Wild Carrot, Common Knapweed and Yarrow, The Corn Chamomile, The cornflower, The Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Red Campion, White Campion and Salad Burnet.